

The Congregation of Sisters Adorers Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity (AASC) was founded in Spain, in 1856 of the turbulent nineteenth century by Maria Micaela Desmaisières y Lopez de Dicastillo, a valiant, heroic and dynamic woman of her time. She identified in the Eucharistic Lord the brokenness of the young girls, who have been forced into prostitution and were victims of the social evils.

We are a Congregation of women religious, registered as a Charitable Society under the Societies Registration Act 1961.

Inspiration: Maria Micaela was an ardent lover of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. In her life-history we see how God prepared her in a spectacular manner to take care of His marginalized – sexually exploited young women of Spain. As a result she abandoned her comforts, luxuries, name and fame for the glory of God and dedicated herself entirely to God and these women; for the continuity of this work she founded the Congregation of Sisters Adorers Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity. Her aim was to uphold and defend the self-worth and dignity of the marginalized women, challenging any form of exploitation or abuse of power in her time and the society in which she lived.

Liberation: Like Micaela, we believe that “liberation is possible”.
Embracing their human frailty and encouraging their process of self-discovery that leads to healing, inner freedom, personal growth and wholeness, we advocate the promotion and social re-integration of women and girls, exploited by prostitution and various forms of social evils.

Transformation: We provide them with opportunities for transforming their lives through holistic care, co-journeying, skill training, formal and non-formal education.

Through the above activities we seek to follow and connect with all the people who toil to build a more humane world. We, Sisters Adorers, do this at the rhythm of ADORATION -LIBERATION, as St Maria Micaela did more than 158 years ago.












The Sisters Adorers of the XXI century – from the different realities existing in Europe, America, Africa and Asia – want to recreate our Passion for Christ through the lived experience of our EUCHARISTIC SPIRITUALITY




Enable young women/girls, the beneficiaries of our MISSION, to achieve personal and social re-integration, discover new values and open themselves to the Good News of the Kingdom…