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Formators gathering for initial stages in Madrid 21 to 28 October 2018
October 21, 2018 - October 28, 2018
Formation is a gift and task; it begins from life and is for life”
On 21st October 2018 the international team for formation met together along with Sr Margarita Navio the General coordinator for formation.
In the absence of Sr Teresa Valenzuela Superior General Sr Margarita Navio welcomed the group and introduced the theme of the for gathering “NEW WINE IN WINE SKINS”
Sr Margarita emphasized in her introductory talk that it is a great responsibility of each one of us to form “Sisters Adorers” for 21st century. She reminded us that this meeting will enable us to unify and define common criteria for the initial stages, to have dialogue about the process of formation in the key of interculturality, having a transversal axis. The primary objective of formation “THE FOLLOWING OF JESUS CHRIST” as an essential quality of consecrated life and from our congregational patrimony: History, charism, spirituality, life style and Mission.
The sessions began from our reality dealing with our constitution, directory, GPF, documents of the church and specially stressed on the Theme New Wine in New Wine skins. On 22nd of October we had a pleasant journey to Valencia to have a lived experience with our Saint Maria Micaela. On reaching there we were warmly welcomed by the community of Valencia. After a time of refreshment we were led in to an hour prayer in which we really experienced her closeness and encouragement it has left indelible mark in our heart.
Group Work
Fr Francisco Javier CSSR led us with another theme: Formation in consecrated life towards a culture of integrated formation and updating, a formation that is human and that considers the person and a formation so as to become disciples.
Then different groups were formed to reflect, share and then put together possible criterias for the formation of initial stages
The theme Pedagogy of Adoration: Learn to Adore, was dealt by Fr Xavier Quinza. He animated the group how to exercise a use of inner senses in Adoration and was summed up in saying to Adore is to enter in to the radiance of love that God has for us.
On 26th the group was accompanied by the associassion called RUAJ they gave us the mode of accompaniment and the pedagogical and spiritual priorities in the service of formation.
On the last day we spent our time in prayer and decernment. After which we pooled together the criterias that we had elaborated in different groups in order to accompany the formees of initial stages. The meeting was concluded with an hour of Adoration and Micaelian tour.
We experienced Congregation communion in this encounter of the formation of the formators. We are ever grateful to the General Government very specially to Sr Margarita Navio the General coordinator for the area of Formation. We gratefully acknowledge the self-less service of our dear Sr Carmen Urbano and community who accommodated us and seeing to every minute detail. We are thankful to Sr Mary Jacob for translating the message meticulously, for her sacrifice, commitment and dedication in accompanying us during this one month of our stay over here in Madrid. We would like to thank Sr Rossy Kompan for the timely help and support in translation.