Kolkata Province

Kolkata Province

In the year 2000, The Indian Province of Sisters Adorers was bifurcated into 2 Provinces: Kolkata and Mumbai.

Today the Kolkata Province consists of our Houses in the states of Odisha, W. Bengal, New Delhi, Telengana and Nepal. Mumbai Province consists of the Houses in Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and Philippines.

The Kolkata Province, with its headquarters at Christopher Road in the Archdiocese of Kolkata, has 13 Houses: 3 in Odisha, 6 in West Bengal, 1 in New Delhi and 2 in Telangana and the Benjamin foundation in Nepal. Also, several Indian Sisters are rendering their services in Rome, Dominican Republic, Japan, Cambodia, and London; besides, Bolivia and Cape Verde.

Objectives of our Registered Society:

  • To empower and protect the victims of prostitution, sex trafficking and other situations that enslave women.
  • To educate, uplift and betterment of the conditions of women in general and rehabilitation of distressed women and girls irrespective of caste, creed and religion in diverse possible ways.
  • To promote literacy combating illiteracy, imparting training in appropriate manner to women and girls through preparation, production and distribution of instructional materials.
  • To establish, run and administer or cause to be established and administered primary secondary and higher secondary schools, hostels for girl students, and above all, rehabilitation centres for unwed mothers, deserted women, orphaned, and children at risk.
  • To undertake and carry out community service in various forms like vocational training and production centres, family and social welfare centres for vagrant girls.
Our Communities

Our Communities

Eucharist is the root and sap that vivifies our communities. We are called to be centered on the Eucharist: “The Lord made me understand that the world is a tabernacle for me” (St Maria Micaela). Hence, we – Sisters Adorers – strive to celebrate Christ, contemplate and adore Him at every moment. In our adorations to the Eucharistic Lord we bring the joys, hopes, aspirations and sufferings of all our beneficiaries, far and near, and entrust them to Him.

Praying together, spending time in each other’s company, sharing meals as well as moments of relaxation and recreation are important aspects in our community living.