International Meet Of The Provincial And General Governments -2018

Madrid , Spain

On the 1st of October 2018, animated by our General Team - Sisters Adorers- we the provincial teams of all the provinces and delegation gathered together in Madrid, the capital of Spain. It was an enriching, inspiring and joyful event, where all of us came to know each one in person. The objectives of this … Continue reading International Meet Of The Provincial And General Governments -2018

Formators gathering for initial stages in Madrid 21 to 28 October 2018

Madrid, Spain , Spain

Theme Formation is a gift and task; it begins from life and is for life” On 21st October 2018 the international team for formation met together along with Sr Margarita Navio the General coordinator for formation. In the absence of Sr Teresa Valenzuela Superior General Sr Margarita Navio welcomed the group and introduced the theme … Continue reading Formators gathering for initial stages in Madrid 21 to 28 October 2018

Happy Feast to St. Maria Micaela 25th August,2019

Kolkata Kolkata, West Bengal, India

On 23 of August, 20 students came together to participate in a small program organized to introduce about our Mother Foundress and our congregation. They were given instructions based on daily prayers, participation in the Eucharist. Small games and songs were conducted to make it more participatory. The program was concluded with Holy Eucharist and … Continue reading Happy Feast to St. Maria Micaela 25th August,2019