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Superiors’ Meet At Christopher Road -kolkata
July 13, 2018 - July 15, 2018
On the 13th July 2018 the provincial house was too busy in welcoming the Animators of the province, as they had the superiors’ meet organised by the provincial and her team. The gathering was indeed a family gathering of Adorers from 14 to 15th July 2018. which began with an enriching, beautiful Eucharistic celebration in the chapel. It was aimed at to strengthen the bond as a province – The family of Adorers – and Create a space for sharing and discussions that would enrich each other.
Sr Alice Varkey the Provincial Superior welcomed the gathering by quoting Colton Jansen “God does not call the qualified but He qualifies the called”. She said that we are just weak instruments in His hands- accepted in faith, the responsibility of animating the communities and to build up the body of Christ by building up fraternity and communion among all. Sr Provincial reminded the superiors that they are entrusted with the responsibility to safeguard the heritage of our spiritual patrimony of our Congregation, i.e. fidelity to the charism of Adoration and Liberation, by living and helping others to be faithful to the constitution according to the heart of the Congregation. We can safeguard the spiritual and material patrimony of our Congregation only if we have a deep sense of belongingness to the Congregation. There after she presented a very inspiring and motivating story” UBUNDU” which means “ I am because we are”.
This Power Point presentation reminded the participants that we need to value each person in the community without failing to remember that we are nothing without the other.
It was followed by a ppt in a gist on the new Apostolic Exhortation –Gaudete Et Exsultate – “Rejoice and be glad’’ Sr Lissiamma Joseph the vice Provincial and in-charge of the liberating action. It portrayed, that the holiness does not consist in doing great things but we are called to be holy by living our lives with love and by bearing witness in everything we do, wherever we find ourselves.
Sr Rani Thelliyankal in-charge for Vocation Promotion shared with us the plan and project for the vocation promotion and urged the participants to collaborate with vocation promoters. Sr Apana Singh, the area for formation animated the participants to make the community projects with guide lines and examples and so as Sr Bijimol John pertaining to her area Shared Mission.
The superiors also had the opportunity for group discussion on various questions and interactions, which helped each one to discover one’s own gifts and talents as animators of the communities. It was an opportunity to ponder on what the expectations of the sisters in the community.
If the meet began with an adoration and it was concluded with an inspiring and enriching evening prayer. On the final day the superiors took their community members to the altar in a creative way, making the adorers family a tree.
Another memorable event was releasing of the book “ADORERS PEDAGOGY” by Sr Alice Varkey, the Provincial Superior. The book from Spanish to English was translated by Sr Caridad Paramundayil. On the occasion Sr Caridad explained the content of the book to the gathering in a nutshell. Sr Alice Varkey our Provincial thanked her for her sacrifice, determination and commitment in finishing the translation even when she was not so well.
All the participants were grateful and appreciated her for the hard work and commitment she had taken in bringing out the book
The two day seminar was concluded with a note of thanks to the provincial for her animation, guidance and encouragement to be effective animators of the communities.