- Enable young women/girls, the beneficiaries of our MISSION, to achieve personal and social re-integration, discover new values and open themselves to the Good News of the Kingdom.
- Live committed, with audacity and creativity, seeking appropriate responses to the existing forms of oppression and new ones that we may discover in society.
- LIBERATION, PERSONAL INTEGRATION, PROMOTION and SOCIAL RE-INTEGRATION of young women/girls exploited by prostitution or victims of various forms of enslaving situations.
- KNOWLEDGE of the social problems that affect them and critical analysis of this reality.
- DENOUNCE with audacity and courage the injustices against human rights and UPHOLD those that give life
- Contribute to social change through awareness-raising and report structures that do not respect human rights.
- Get to know and analyze the social reality of women in their situation of social exclusion through the continual study of the phenomenon of prostitution and trafficking in women.